Sigil Models Expressed with Pseudocode in Rust Language
Rune + Time Claim (RTC) Validation
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use serde_json::Result;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::error::Error;
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::Read;
use reqwest;
// Define structs to represent the JSON metadata
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct CollectionInfo {
artist_name: String,
description: String,
collection_total: u32,
website: String,
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct AdditionalRune {
rune_name: String,
rune_id: String,
quantity: u32,
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct SigilMetadata {
protocol: String,
rune_name: String,
rune_id: String,
rune_quantity: u32,
rune_attainment: String,
price_in_sats: Option<u64>,
additional_runes: Vec<AdditionalRune>,
start_block: u64,
end_block: u64,
collection_info: CollectionInfo,
rune_action: String,
rune_reuse: String,
claim_mode: String,
block_range: Option<BlockRange>,
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct BlockRange {
start_block: u64,
end_block: u64,
// Function to check the balance of a Rune token at a given address
fn check_rune_balance(address: &str, rune_id: &str) -> Result<u64, &'static str> {
// Placeholder for actual implementation to fetch the balance
Ok(1) // Assume the address has at least 1 Rune token
// Function to read the JSON metadata from the Ordinals protocol endpoint
async fn fetch_metadata_from_endpoint(endpoint_url: &str) -> Result<SigilMetadata, Box<dyn Error>> {
let response = reqwest::get(endpoint_url).await?.text().await?;
let metadata: SigilMetadata = serde_json::from_str(&response)?;
// Function to validate a sigil claim based on the metadata
fn validate_sigil_claim(
sigil: &Sigil,
reinscriptions: &[Reinscription],
metadata: &SigilMetadata,
) -> Result<bool, &'static str> {
// Check if the current block is within the allowed block range, if specified
let current_block = get_current_block();
if let Some(block_range) = &metadata.block_range {
if current_block < block_range.start_block || current_block > block_range.end_block {
return Ok(false);
// Check the balance of the default Rune token at the sigil cast address
let rune_balance = check_rune_balance(&sigil.cast_address, &metadata.rune_id)?;
if rune_balance < metadata.rune_quantity {
return Ok(false);
// Check balances of additional Runes, if required
for additional_rune in &metadata.additional_runes {
let additional_rune_balance = check_rune_balance(&sigil.cast_address, &additional_rune.rune_id)?;
if additional_rune_balance < additional_rune.quantity {
return Ok(false);
// Validate the sigil based on the claim mode and reinscriptions
if metadata.claim_mode == "reinscription" {
// Iterate through the reinscriptions to find the relevant time window
for i in 0..reinscriptions.len() - 1 {
let current_reinscription = &reinscriptions[i];
let next_reinscription = &reinscriptions[i + 1];
if sigil.cast_time >= current_reinscription.time && sigil.cast_time < next_reinscription.time {
return Ok(true);
// Example usage
async fn main() {
// Endpoint URL to fetch the JSON metadata
let endpoint_url = "";
let sigil = Sigil {
cast_time: 1622548800, // Example timestamp
cast_address: "1A1zP1eP5QGefi2DMPTfTL5SLmv7DivfNa".to_string(),
let reinscriptions = vec![
Reinscription { time: 1622540000 }, // Example timestamp
Reinscription { time: 1622550000 }, // Example timestamp
match fetch_metadata_from_endpoint(endpoint_url).await {
Ok(metadata) => {
match validate_sigil_claim(&sigil, &reinscriptions, &metadata) {
Ok(valid) => {
if valid {
println!("The sigil is valid.");
} else {
println!("The sigil is not valid.");
Err(e) => println!("Error validating sigil: {}", e),
Err(e) => println!("Error fetching metadata: {}", e),
// Placeholder function to get the current block number
fn get_current_block() -> u64 {
// This would normally fetch the current block number from the blockchain
// Define a struct to represent a Sigil
struct Sigil {
cast_time: u64, // Timestamp of when the sigil was cast
cast_address: String, // Bitcoin address from which the sigil was cast
// Define a struct to represent a Reinscription
struct Reinscription {
time: u64, // Timestamp of the reinscription
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